Monday, September 24, 2007

i am stressed.

things are going too fast. what happened to breathing?! i thought that when i get here, i would be able to take the pace down a notch and actually think. BUT, i guess thats not gonna happen any time soon.

i've been trying to put off the question on "what am i gonna do with my life?" for some time. BUT it keeps popping up. with only three years of university while everyone here has 4, i have to decide on what i want to do by next semester. do i want to do pre-med? do i actually want to do bio? if not, what else can i do and actually a job later? what about other things like job hunting and volunteering? i need to factor in things like cost and start planning soon. like now.

there are other things on my mind too. studies aren't the only things...

i hate it when these thoughts come crashing down on me all at once. it makes me panicky. i know that God will bring me through this but right now, i have no idea how He will pull it off.

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