Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hi! Its been a long time. Sorry about that.

So what's happened since the last time most of us met. I'll be finishing college in may 2010. Planning on applying to grad school. And see what happens from there.

School's been good. Gonna take the second summer session (intro to immunology and physics) so that I can squeeze in more classes during the fall and spring semester. My original plan was to actually take summer session so as to lessen my usual semester load, but I somehow always seem to find something else to squeeze into my schedule, so i've given up trying to lighten it and decided to live with the fact that i will always be busy. Which is kinda a good thing.

I've decided to also just settle with getting a history minor instead of a major, in favour of doing more science classes, since I realize that I've filled my entire college transcript with a pretty good balance of arts and science classes, so i'd better tip the balance a bit. Giving up the history major was a really tough decision. I really wanted that one. Sigh. But I guess I have to just keep my mind on my future goal, cos if you really look at it, the history major would end up being asthetically pleasing.

Anyway, I'll probably be back in Singapore next summer. So i'll get the chance to see everyone again. Hopefully this time, I'll be able to spend a good bit of time with everyone instead of having to rush everywhere like in Dec. I'll also be doing my grad school applications at home too. So go find me there!