Saturday, September 20, 2008

So, looks like UNC's is famous again. haha.

we were chosen to be the place to represent the state of North Carolina on ABC's Good Morning America's 50 states in 50 days tour. yay! i didn't wake up to go the live broadcast though. somehow, standing out in the cold at 6am in the morning after 2-3 hours of sleep, doesn't seem appealling at the time. oh well, will go online to check out the videos. AND YOU SHOULD TOO!!

looking back, everytime i start to take unc for granted, or start having doubts about my choice of school, something happens to reinforce my choice, to make everything ok again. never have i experienced a school with such pride and school spirit in ALL that they do. the kind of cohesiveness unc has is something i've always longed for in a school. can't believe how lucky i am to be here. =)

1 comment:

omi-kun said...

random comment:

i miss you!!

*starts counting down to december*