Saturday, February 9, 2008

Recently, the church that i attend here has been doing a series about living life with a margin. Evidently, margins give people space/time and this is where relationships are able to flourish.

This semester has been a whole lot busier than the last. Taking on a heavier course load, working and being involved in more activities is starting to take its toll (especially over these 2 weeks). Its when i'm starting to think about whether all this stuff in my life is really necessary, then the message hits home. Life without margins really isn't living at all. There hasn't really been time to be with friends or even remember to be with friends. There hasn't been enough time to study properly. And my sleeping hours have become erratic. As this occurs, my standards about study drops (quite a lot), my energy level dips and I start to think less about other people (i haven't seen some people in weeks). Its an understatement to say "this is bad".

I want to say things will be better and that I'll remove most of my load soon after setting my priorities straight. but i can't. not right now. right now, my mantra is "survive this week". After this week, we'll know what, I take my first statement back. things will get better, after this week. then hopefully, my posts will sound more optimistic and happy. =)

1 comment:

omi-kun said...



dun care about the digital camera comment whatever sai!!

and what happened to my tagging of you huh huh!!

and yes, this command is in the imperative voice.